Your Horse's Health Experts!

Data protection

Privacy Policy and Data Handling

This privacy and data treatment policy regulates the collection and processing of personal data provided by Customers to the Equigerminal, S.A.. The data privacy and data protection policy was created during the period of adaptation to the new General Data Protection Regulation to the Clients, being in compliance with the Law of Protection of Personal Data1 currently in force, and with the General Regulation of Data Protection2, whose shall take effect on 25 May 2018.

The availability of personal data implies the consent of the data owners in their treatment, as well as the knowledge and acceptance of the conditions contained in this ‘Privacy Policy and Data Handling’.

What does this Privacy Policy cover?

  • This Privacy and Data Treatment Policy applies to the collection and processing of personal data obtained from the Equigerminal S.A. Customers or voluntarily made available by them.
  • By accepting the conditions of this Privacy and Data Treatment Policy and by making your data available, the Client authorises the collection, use and disclosure of the same in accordance with the rules defined herein. The Laboratory guarantees the confidentiality of all the data provided by its clients.

Who is responsible for processing your data?

  • Equigerminal, S.A., represented by its Quality Manager, is responsible for the treatment of the data.
  • Headquarters: Urbanização Quinta da Portela – Rua Eduardo Correia nº13,  3030-507 Coimbra
  • Phone: +351 938 322 893          Email:

What is the purpose of data processing?

  • The data collected is used to process requests for services / products and communications with Customers, statistical analysis, processing of requests for information and eventual complaints, as well as their use for marketing purposes, whether it is promotions, contests, or sending promotional material or gifts, as well as the creation of a profile of site users and consumers.
  • The treatment of the collected information aims to ensure the highest levels of service excellence to its Customers and continuously improve the capacity to meet their needs. If the controller intends to process the personal data for a purpose other than that for which the personal data were obtained, the data controller shall provide the data subject with this information and any other information.

What kind of personal data are collected?

  • Equigerminal Laboratory may, in compliance with this Data Privacy and Data Protection Policy, collect and store information that it voluntarily and with consent is transmitted to it, including personal information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, including, in particular, the name, address , email address, phone number.

When and how do we collect your data?

The Laboratory collects the personal data of Customers through:

  • Site – Online submission forms 1) Form – complaints, compliments, suggestions; 2) Form – customer satisfaction survey; 3) Form – contact;
  • Completion of Customers form – online store;
  • Completion of form – requisitions of products / services;
  • All other ways of obtaining data or transmitting data;

The Laboratory shall inform the holders of personal data whether the collection constitutes a legal or contractual obligation or a requirement to conclude a contract and whether the holder is obliged to provide the personal data and the possible consequences of not providing such data.

Collection and treatment

  • The personal data of the Clients can be collected and introduced by the Laboratory in automated databases to carry out activities included within the scope of the purposes of their collection and treatment.
  • The collection and processing of data, if carried out via the website, takes place in a safe manner and prevents its loss or manipulation. The transmission of data between the client and the website is done by encrypted channel (SSL).

How long will your personal data be stored?

  • After the collection of individualised personal data, The Laboratory will be kept and maintained for the time strictly necessary to ensure the best performance of the services underlying the relationship established between the Laboratory and the Clients. The file of this information will be made for the period of 10 years, unless there is some specific legislation that indicates otherwise

Rights of Data Holders

How can you access, rectify or oppose the processing of your personal data? Right to forget.

Under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation, the data subject is guaranteed:

  • the right to access, update, rectify, limit or delete your personal data at any time;
  • the right to oppose the use of the data provided for marketing purposes, to send informative communications or to include them in lists of information services, and if this is not done at the time of collection, send a request through the contacts indicated in the end of this document;
  • the right to complain to a supervisory authority;

Under the terms of the new General Regulation on Data Protection, the data subject is guaranteed the right “to be forgotten”, which means that the data subject has the right to obtain from the controller the elimination of his personal data without undue delay .

If you wish to cease to be part of the Equigerminal S.A. database at any time, you can exercise this right through the contact form (available on the Laboratory website)

The data of the Customers of the Equigerminal S.A. will be whenever necessary updated or rectified, taking into account the purposes for which they were collected or for which they are processed later.

Right of portability of your personal data. In what terms is the communication of your data to third parties?

Under the terms of the new General Regulation on Data Protection, the data subject is entitled in certain situations to request the data controller to provide his personal data in a structured, current and automatic reading format, request its transfer to another controller.

What terms is the communication of your data to third parties?

Following the high international standards of safety and quality, the processing of the data by the Laboratory is done under the applicable law in terms of subcontracting acting solely in dependence on instructions from the Laboratory.

Transfer of personal data to third countries or International organisations

Where the data controller transfers personal data to a third country or an international organisation, it shall take into account: (i) the existence or otherwise of a compliance decision adopted by the Commission or (in other cases); (ii) inform the data subject and reference the appropriate or appropriate safeguards and the means of obtaining copies of the data (or where available).

What measures has the Laboratory taken to ensure the security of your personal data?

  • In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, Equigerminal, S.A. has taken the necessary measures to ensure that the data provided are protected against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, diffusion, access or use by unauthorised third parties.
  • The Equigerminal S.A. undertakes to ensure the privacy of registered users. Equigerminal S.A. does not sell or rent to third parties any personal data provided by Customers.
  • The data of the Laboratory Clients will be treated in a lawful manner, respecting the principle of good faith.

How can you become aware of any changes to the Equigerminal Laboratory Privacy Policy?

Equigerminal S.A. reserves the right at any time to make adjustments or changes to this Data Privacy and Treatment Policy, and these changes are duly publicised on the Laboratory website.

Questions and Suggestions

  • The collection and processing of personal data will be carried out in accordance with Portuguese law, applicable and current, and in accordance with the guidelines of the National Commission for Data Protection.
  • Any question regarding the realisation and treatment of the information collected, namely through questionnaires of Customer satisfaction will be written in Portuguese language.
  1. To learn more about how the Equigerminal, S.A. treats your personal data or to clarify any doubt, complaint or comment on the Privacy Policy, please contact us at the above addresses.

1 Law no. 67/98, of October 26, which transposes into Portuguese Law Directive 95/46 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to respect for the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, in the most recent version updated by Law no. 103/2015 of 24 August.

 2 General Data Protection Regulation transposing Directive 2016/680 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 into the Portuguese Legal Order.