The Horse & Pets Lab Experts

Western Equine Encephalitis, RT-qPCR - Equigerminal
Western Equine Encephalitis, RT-qPCR - Equigerminal

Western Equine Encephalitis, RT-qPCR

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 Pathogen test 

  • The RT-qPCR test detects the genome (RNA) of Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE) virus.


  • 5 mL - blood - K3 EDTA tube
  • 5mL - liquor (CSF) - sterile tube

Turnaround time

  • 2 to 5 working days


What is Western Equine Encephalitis?

  • Western equine encephalitis (WEE) is a viral disease carried by mosquitoes. WEE occurs in the western parts of the United States, including Iowa and Canada. WEE causes “sleeping sickness” in horses.

Clinical signs

  • WEE viruses affect the nervous system, so affected animals will have fever, depression and changes in behaviour.
  • Signs of infection may also include impaired vision, muscle twitches, circling or head pressing behaviours, the inability to swallow, paralysis and convulsions.
  • Survival rates of horses infected with WEE is 70-80%. 
  • The virus is transmitted to people and horses by bites from infected mosquitoes and birds during wet, summer months


  • Vaccines for WEE are available for horses.

  • Measures to control mosquito populations and minimize mosquito exposure will decrease chances of infection.